
Platelet Rich Plasma 


The Platelet Rich Plasma Rejuvenation is available for facial, hair, and joints.

The PRP Therapy only involves 3-steps:

1. Blood is drawn from the patient

2. Blood is spun in the centrifuge to separate blood layers and extract one of these layers which contains high concentration of platelets

3. Platelet component is then injected to the intended area; face, scalp or joints, using a syringe or micro needling.

PRP Joint Rejuvenation

PRP injection offers relief to shoulder pains caused by rotator cuff tears, Achilles tendon ruptures, and other soft-tissue injuries. It has also demonstrated its abilities to improve function and reduce pain for patients who have tendonitis or chronic tendinosis conditions, also called tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow. This is also the best therapy for athletic people who engage in strenuous activities causing joint injuries or pain.

PRP Hair Rejuvenation

PRP injections trigger natural hair growth and maintains it by increasing blood supply to the hair follicle and increasing the thickness of the hair shaft.

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PRP Facial Rejuvenation

PRP injection does not only work as a Joint Rejuvenation, it is also used for the face. Platelet Rich Plasma Facial Rejuvenation also known as the “vampire facial”, is an advanced skincare treatment method that results to a more younger looking skin.

Reported results from patients:
Reduced wrinkles
Plumped up sagging skin
Got rid of deep creases
Improved one’s complexion
Diminished acne scars


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